Is your mobility policy secretly the same as your car policy? Then your employees are missing out on tailored mobility and it's costing your company a lot of money. With these 5 tips, you can start a successful mobility policy.

Tip 1: Set clear goals

Start with the question: "What do we want to achieve with our mobility policy?"

Perhaps you want to reduce car usage in your company, promote sustainable alternatives, or encourage teleworking. Your mobility policy is the place to establish these goals.

Setting realistic and measurable objectives provides direction and vision for your company's mobility, both in the short and long term.

Keep your broader company goals in mind as well. If your company aims to reduce its CO2 emissions, consider how this can be incorporated into your mobility policy.

Are multiple departments involved in your company's mobility? Then involve all relevant parties. With your task force, brainstorm possible objectives. This way, you create smooth collaboration between different departments.

Tip 2: Offer flexible mobility options

There are many alternatives to company cars. Think of the train, tram, or bus. But also bike leasing, carpooling and even teleworking are possible options. With this wide range of choices, corporate mobility almost transforms into personalized mobility.

As a company, you naturally choose which options to implement in your mobility policy. You do this with consideration for the needs of your employees. For example, if you notice a high demand for bike leasing, it makes sense to include it in your offerings.

To get a clear idea of the demand for specific modes of transportation, organize workshops or surveys within your company. You will see that certain categories of employees emerge, such as commuters using public transport or bikes.

From these categories, you then create different profiles. You’ll have your train travelers and cyclists, but also those who combine train and parking. There will also be a group that still relies on car transportation.

Tip 3: Promote sustainable transportation alternatives

Goals: check. Offer: check. Next step: getting your employees on board with your story.

Think of this especially as "Communication is key." Take your communication manager, think about the message you want to convey and how you will reach your employees.

You can communicate about various things:

  • The importance of sustainable mobility options for your company
  • The goals you want to achieve as a company
  • The benefits for your employees
  • The possible transportation options
  • ...

In addition, you can create an accessibility plan, like Mediahuis did. In this plan, visualize how to reach your company using different modes of transportation.

Indicate where your bicycle parking is located, which bus stops are nearby, how to access the parking lot... This plan also comes in handy when customers or partners visit you.

Bonus tip: keep repeating your message. People are creatures of habit, but repetition works. Give them enough time to adapt. Your efforts will definitely pay off in the long run.

Tip 4: Provide good facilities at the office

To simplify the transition to sustainable alternatives for your employees, ensure that you have the right facilities in your company. We don't want Jan to start working sweaty or for Laura’s electric bike to stop working.

By providing the appropriate amenities, you lower the barriers towards sustainable mobility and support Jan, Laura, and the rest of your employees in their eco-friendly choices.

Some examples of good facilities include:

  • Changing rooms and showers for cyclists
  • Parking spaces for electric vehicles
  • Charging stations for electric vehicles and bikes
  • Sufficient bicycle storage
  • An app for purchasing tickets for alternative modes of transportation, like Olympus Mobility's

Your employees will see that your company is truly committed to a flexible mobility policy. Walk the talk.

Tip 5: Monitor and evaluate your mobility policy

You have implemented your mobility policy. You regularly communicate about the benefits of sustainable corporate mobility. More and more employees are getting on board. And now?

Start with a personal conversation with your employees. Their feedback is invaluable. Listen to their experience with the new mobility policy. Do they have any questions? What obstacles do they encounter?

Instead of a personal conversation, you can also bring together different groups of commuters for a panel discussion. For example, let a cyclist, a train commuter, and one of your remaining car drivers interact.

Ask them how they experience the transition. You can learn a lot from different employees in a short period of time.

Afterwards, it's time for an evaluation. Review their feedback and refer to your goals. What areas still need some fine-tuning? Have you already achieved certain goals? Did you overlook anything?

By evaluating regularly, you can make timely adjustments where necessary. For example, if you notice that your cyclists are fighting for a spot in the bicycle parking area, it's time to expand the number of spaces.

These periodic evaluations increase the effectiveness of your mobility policy in the long run.


The recipe for smooth mobility policy consists of 5 things:

  • Clear goals
  • Flexible mobility options
  • Targeted communication
  • Good facilities at the office
  • Periodic monitoring and evaluation

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